The Pretender!

The Pretender!

by ray stasieczko July 16, 2023

The Pretender! 
Little Red Riding Hood! What a great story for all business leaders. The big bad wolf disguised to hide its threat. Eating those, they lead, skipping down a path to nowhere! 

As any industry goes through disruption, plenty of wolves are ready to consume those who refuse to acknowledge the threats along journeys toward relevance.

If the Little girl on the path wasn't mesmerized by what she wanted to believe and instead could comprehend a wolf eating her. The story would have been different.

Yes, Little Red Riding Hood was pulled from the wolf's stomach and lived another day. That part of the story excites the wolves, who bet soon again they will consume you.

In business, some will capitalize on the insecurities of those they seek to help. Unfortunately, these pretenders bet heavily that their disguise will fool their prey long enough to get them through dinner.

These pretenders are great at disguising a journey toward relevance as a mere stroll down a clear path through the woods.

However, as soon as the pretender realizes those they are leading become aware, it's a journey to nowhere. They will point to distractions off the trail, hoping to keep you confused as they plan their next meal.

The story's moral is simple: Don't follow a pretender only looking for their next meal. Remember, these wolves will bet those they ate once will return yet again and give them another meal. 

Ray Stasieczko 

ray stasieczko
ray stasieczko


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