Temporary Comfortable Bus Rides - Lead Nowhere

Temporary Comfortable Bus Rides - Lead Nowhere

by ray stasieczko May 09, 2021

"The benefits of hanging out with comfort are mostly delusional."

As industries navigate today's innovative disruptions, I warn those who seek comfort over challenge. That comfort only exists in an unchallenged temporary world. 

"Regardless how comfortably the seats are - a bus full of complacency will drive into oblivion." 

Anytime I have an opportunity to witness complacency, I take advantage to learn from what I see. One commonality is that those insecure about their place in the future refuse to embrace any disruptions to their present; they do this even as their logic demands their attention and action towards change.

What seems worse is those repeating past disasters refusing to ask, what will be different this time? I believe it is that asking brings awareness of either incapability or insecurity to capabilities.

Someone asked me recently why so much complacency exists in upper management? My answer was, I believe it's debt. Many of today's executives are too insecure to challenge a comfortable living secured by debt.

Unfortunately, some with great intentions and abilities fool themselves that the rewards system for the status quo is greater than the rewards paid to those who challenge. 

However, when you allow your potential to be stifled repeatedly, you must accept that your comfort is more important than the painful challenges in implementing your ambitions.   

Some executives think of themselves as entrepreneurs, and all the while, they hold back on challenging the status quo within the companies they work for. At the same time, these executives will fantasize that they can leave their job someday and create change independently. 

I suggest that if this is true, then challenge the environment your in. Stop hanging out in the pasture of least resistance grazing on complacency.

It would be a great benefit to businesses if executives challenged all they know, especially in those industries finding themselves in the disruption caused by evolutionary technology changes, which today defines many industries.

"The dreams of one day won't create an entrepreneur someday. It will be the actions of a challenge to status quo which give birth to entrepreneurism."  

In today's business environment, those who have a passion for creating something better. Have an excellent opportunity to do just that from within the organizations they reside. If you genuinely believe in your cause, don't allow a position to hold you back.

The world is in great need of intrapreneurs. 

All those who find themselves frustrated by corporate complacency and believe they can become entrepreneurs. I strongly recommend that first, you master being an intrapreneur. Push your talent and passion to the forefront of your ambition. Stand up and challenge that which needs a challenge.

Those who define the consequence of challenging the status quo as a loss of comfort. Are far from ready to pay the price needed to become an entrepreneur.

"The hunting grounds for the disruptor are in the fields of status quo."  

As technology continues to challenge the status quo of all industries, there will be great opportunities for those intrapreneurs to challenge their subordinates and those leaders who blanket themselves in comfort. 

Those who recoil into what they know during industry disruptions, doubling down on the comfort of conformity, fearing the unknown, or have insecurities of their place in the future. Create the hunting grounds for the innovating challengers.

Remember, my friends, a bus full of comfort and complacency will become the prey the disruptor seeks.

"Status quo is the killer of all that will be invented."

Ray Stasieczko 

CEO/Founder TEASRA,The Innovation Channel and Host of The End of The Day With Ray! https://www.endofthedaywithray.com/

I welcome everyone to subscribe to my YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCULKZDBCR1ozWXmu4Tob66A?view_as=subscriber

If not already Let's connect here on Linkedin

ray stasieczko
ray stasieczko


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