There has to be a reckoning of reality to the vulnerability of the world's digital universe.
The intersection between the digital and physical worlds has no guard shack, no Constantia wire on the fences of its borders, no bunkers with machine guns, no supporting aircraft.
Instead, the entire world navigates through this intersection seamless of coordinated or regulated protections for the most part.
It seems like a utopia where there are no threats, a place where everyone gets along. Well, as we all continue to witness the tragedies of what can happen when bad people penetrate the intersection separating the digital and physical worlds.
The physical world must unite.
As more of the world's people navigate the digital landscape, who will become the superpower in protecting the digital world?
How societies protect themselves and their allies must now include cybersecurity and must be taken as seriously as the security guarding the nuclear weapon stockpiles throughout the world. After all, doesn't technology guide the world's weapons?
Will one day people say in sarcasm, "I can't believe you thought a nuclear weapon would win a digital war."
This article's intentions are not to propagate one country or one gov't style over another. Instead, its purpose is to discuss the realities of watching the world's bad cyber actors getting more emboldened as the good actors procrastinate any real defense.
I have had the great pleasure of meeting and finding friendship with people from all over the world. But, unfortunately, the world is a complicated place, and the world's governments will always differ in their definitions of what's acceptable in how they govern their people.
The arguments regarding one government being better than the other will continue through all our lifetimes. However, as history merges with the present many things once thought worth fighting for become unimaginable arguments.
As governments modify and the world changes, one thing that will remain constant is progress, and with progress, technology continually advances. Therefore, the world must unite to protect the digital world.
The world leaders must unite as if an enemy came from outer space to destroy all the world's actors.
Cybersecurity Technology companies cannot be bought or sold to the highest bidder without some regulation because the highest bidder might be the greatest adversary to all who travel through that intersection between the digital and physical worlds.
In the way, society protects itself by refusing rogue actors from having nuclear arsenals. Likewise, humanity must now defend itself by refusing rogue actors access to the means to invade and concur the world's digital universe.
When good people come together for a more significant cause, that greater cause is accomplished. The world's good people must never allow the world's digital universe to be held hostage by any bad actors.
All things are advanced when people have conversations regardless of the perception of how painful those conversations may be.
"Status quo is the killer of all that will be invented."
Ray Stasieczko
CEO/Founder TEASRA,The Innovation Channel and Host of The End of The Day With Ray!
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