Imaging Channel Caution!! Don’t become Product-Centric.

Imaging Channel Caution!! Don’t become Product-Centric.

by ray stasieczko July 19, 2019

As an industry’s product declines in customer appreciation. Its actors become more and more Product-Centric. In all reality; when a product declines in acceptance or its need, its legacy actors struggle to stay Customer-Centric as they fight for revenue and attempt to save the temporary benefits of their product or service.

Here’s an example of how a Product-Centric mindset tries to destroy a Customer-Centric outcome.

I recently wrote of the A4 printer/copier’s Customer value over the legacy value propositions of A3 Printer/copiers. Surprisingly many agreed that A4 had tremendous customer value, and they recognize that over 80% of A3 current placements could benefit by switching to A4. So, here’s the disconnect. Nearly all the reasons that the outdated A3 mindset had to continue delivering A3. Were based on the Resellers and many manufacturers desire to keep things as they are, based on how they currently benefited. “Product-Centric thinking.”

The sales engine talked about how their commission structure does not reward them on A4 as it does on A3, the principles of the resellers talked about how their manufacturers A3 quota’s and their rebates are pressuring them to stay focused on A3.

Here’s the threat!!! The new or re-invented legacy innovator will be Customer-Centric. These new innovators will take many great relationships away from those who traded their Customer-Centric deliverable for a Product-Centric deliverable. Remember Customer-Centric is always the better experience.

Those who think the customer’s unawareness is their advantage will be circumvented the day their customers’ becomes aware. New innovators begin writing their Customer-Centric businesses plans when the old-way slides into a Product-Centric focus in their desperation to save what was.

This slide to Product-Centric thinking increases as the noise from the cheerleaders of status quo get louder. Every reseller should evaluate every component of their deliverable regardless of their perception of its value. Then decide if their intentions are Customer-Centric or Product-Centric. Those who can answer honestly and correct if needed will prevail. They will also welcome the Customers from their Product-Centric competitors to their Customer-Centric deliverable.    

The Old-Way’s best intentional plans for keeping things as they are will become the new innovator's list of what not to do. 

Ray Stasieczko

ray stasieczko
ray stasieczko


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