The End Of The Day With Ray! UPDATE on the

The End Of The Day With Ray! UPDATE on the "Leasing Revolution"

by ray stasieczko December 04, 2020

ray stasieczko
ray stasieczko


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It always amazes me when I see new actors with good intentions of potential disruptions allow the status quo to hijack their strategies and bring them to the comfort of complacency.  

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Xerox Financial Services - More Than A Copier Lease.

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The possibilities I imagine are tremendous for Xerox and I most definitely see them playing a significant role in what I describe as "The Leasing Revolution."

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The End Of The Day With Ray! Dealer owners! There is bag of money don’t walk past it!!!

by ray stasieczko January 07, 2021

Leases not being upgraded are at record levels. Dealers don’t miss the greatest opportunity in ramping up your IT services business.

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