Just Lie & Hope It Works Out!

Just Lie & Hope It Works Out!

by ray stasieczko November 05, 2023

Just Lie & Hope It Works Out! 
Anyone who believes the above title hopefully is not leading.

Look, I get it. Sometimes, things are so bad that if the teams knew the truth, they might run for the hills. Just remember, it's the team that builds and maintains a company along with its leaders.

Hiding dire realities will not create better realities. Leaders need their teams more in bad times, and those leaders who give in to their egotistical weaknesses and hide the alarming facts from their teams will one day become teamless. 

Balancing the need to know and full disclosure is a leadership trait. Sometimes, companies can have minor crises where their leaders can quickly respond and procrastinate bad news as an immediate resolution dissipates the issue. 

However, when leaders can not correct the cause of the bad news and weeks turn into months and months into years, aren't these procrastinations of the truth outright lies? Of course, they are!

What will the team think when those hidden realities are awakened, and they realize their leader has been ignoring or, worse, lying? Not to mention the teams' thoughts that the leader did not trust or value their input. 

Leading comes with responsibility, and leaders who voluntarily lie or distort reality to prevent an awakening of their inabilities or ineptness are only temporarily putting off the end of their leadership.

Trust your teams and together face reality!

Status quo is the killer of all that will be invented.

Ray Stasieczko 
Host of The End Of The Day With Ray! 

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ray stasieczko


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