Lexmark Owners Ninestar Banned From U.S. By DHS

Lexmark Owners Ninestar Banned From U.S. By DHS

by ray stasieczko June 11, 2023

The print industry is now facing the most significant geopolitical challenge in its history. Over the last two years, I have been warning of the implications of geopolitical pressures on the industry. These pressures forced awareness on the entire industry yesterday, June 9th, as I reported yesterday afternoon in a special episode of the #TheEndOfTheDayWithRay!

Yesterday, The Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) banned Ninestar the owners of Lexmark and 8 of Ninestar Corporation's subsidiaries based in Zhuhai. The ban was part of DHS's #Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (#UFLPA) enforcement.

To all my industry friends, Yesterday the end-users who buy print equipment, supply print equipment, and have that equipment serviced were also made aware that Lexmark's Owners Ninestar, along with eight of its subsidiaries, has been banned from entering the supply chain in the U.S.

The industry's dealers and OEMs do not have the power over end-users, and we must all admit that here in America, the patriotism towards freedom will far outweigh the loyalty to any (PRC) based companies, including Lexmark, Pantum International Limited, G&G, Static Control, or any of the Ninestar subsidiaries banned or not.

Over the next few weeks, we will likely see the articles where Lexmark and other Ninestar-controlled assets will share how the ban isn't about them.

My industry friends both dealers, along with the OEMs who remarket Lexmark. Yesterday the industry got a big wake-up call, and the actions as we advance will define a different marketplace.

As the (PRC) Ninestar propaganda machine kicks in and funds the marketing departments of Lexmark, Pantum, G&G, Static Control, or others in an attempt to exclude them from the accused outrageous behavior of Ninestar itself, I remind you that is a bull-shit argument!

The owner of all the Ninestar subsidiaries is, in fact, Ninestar. So, supporting one of the assets is supporting the (PRC) Owned Ninestar. 

Our industry must remember this. The end-users are not going to listen to a presentation where someone selling Lexmark, Pantum, G&G, or other Ninestar assets has to explain how only some of Ninestar's assets violate human rights in manufacturing causing their banning from the supply chain of the free world.

OK, as I wrote that, I, too, see the insanity of anyone trying to make that argument to an end-user. Yesterday the industry lost control of the spin regarding the CCP and Ninestar. As the end-users are now more aware and with knowledge comes change.

I will share more on this and securitize any and all statements issued by Lexmark, Pantum, Static Control, or any of the Ninestar subsidiaries!

The industry has a choice regarding supporting The Chinese Communist Party! All free people know the right choice, and the industry also knows how painful the right choice will be. Together the free world has to stand up as citizens and as business people!

Stay tuned to The End of the Day with Ray! 
Ray Stasieczko

ray stasieczko
ray stasieczko


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